
Freitag, 14. Februar 2014

Valentine's/Human Rights' Day

You sure all know that it's Valentine's Day today, but only few of you knew that today also was Human Rights' Day in my school. Therefore we didn't have normal class, but a special program with a speech in the aula and different workshops with human right organisations. Dilek Baladiz, the leader of the organisation Origo, held the speech and told a lot of very good and eye-opening things about the different expectations society has of girls and boys. She also gave personal exampels, which made the speech lively and impressive. After this ca. 1,5 hours long speech we ate lunch and were free to talk with people who work for help organisations, but to be honest my friends and me were too lazy so we just hung around and discussed for our selfs. It was cozy :-). Then we had the workshops where we talked about normes and expectations in the everyday life. In the end of the activity we reflected about all we heard under the day with the class.
But as I mentioned it wasn't only Human Rights' Day, but also Valentine's Day. That's why the student convening organized a Speed-Dating in the school cafeteria after the program. I thought it might be funny to go there and speek with other people from the school I haven't met before. And it really was funny. There were more people than I expected, so I can't remember all names but it's always cool to meet new folk and hold on for a talk. At the moment I'm on a sugarflow because I ate way too much candy, but I just couldn't resist the cute heart shaped sweets. So long - glad och varm Alla Hjärtans Dag till er alla! :-D

 Our latest project in the artclass was to pick out a art-historical period (Maya and me chose surrealism) and draw or paint a piece with the title Human Rights. This is our work and I'm quite confident with the result. I'm standing in front of the painting because I wanted you to see how big it is. We thought it's better to make it as big as possible for being eye-catching. The painting hangs now in the corridor. I think that's cool and it also fitted perfect to the topic of the day.
 The whole school is getting ready for listening to the speech.
A picture of Sofia and me while catching free hugs from the plastic m&m :-)
Romantic candle light at the Speed-Dating

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