
Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

Birthday - HURRAY

Last Tuesday was my 18th birthday! I'm of full age now! Unbeliefable.
In the morning my hostfamily woke me up with the Swedish birthday song, kanelbullar and presents, lots of presents. The present I love the most is a photoalbum with many pictures of the begining of my exchange year, London, Christmas, the sportholidays in Åre, AFS activities and Easter. I love to look through it and remember all the things we did so far. I almost can see myself as an old woman sitting in her armchair and thumbing through the book with a smile on her face.
On a normal Tuesday school starts at 9 o'clock, but the 6th of May we had the first of a row of National Tests - English essay. It went quite well for me, I had good ideas and no problems with the flow of the text. On the menue list of the school cafeteria stood "Kitchen's surprise", so I hoped that meant something good. And it did: Pizza! After lunch there were suddenly just one friend and me left, all the others disappeard without saying a word. We actually had a long break before the next class started, but my friend (the one who stayed) said that we could go there a little earlier and start with our "personal work" so that we're finish earlier. I believed her and so we went upstairs, where the classrooms are. But we didn't go to our chemistry classroom. At the end of the corridor my friend turned left and - there they were! All the others who disappeard after lunch stood there and sang and danced for me. That was so cute. Together we ate the cake which one of the girls baked for me and just had a good time. After school I opened the presents I got from my family and friends from Switzerland. In one of the presents were the ingredients for my birthday cookies, I just had to add butter. Therefore I baked cookies which we ate for dessert after a very delicious birthday dinner. It was a beatiful day and I enjoy being 18, even if I haven't realised yet what this actually means. I sure find out soon :-)

 One of the presents: a pillow with the lattitude and longitude of Stuvsta, the place I live.
 Birthday Girl :-D
Lots and lots of gifts! Thank you very much :-)

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