
Dienstag, 6. August 2013

The countdown starts...

There are only 10 days left here in Switzerland and I'm really busy with preparing. I wrote my packing list now and realized, how much stuff I have to take with me. It seems almost impossible to put everything in my suitcase. Most probably, I'm gonna pay for extra weight, because actually I mustn't take more than 20 kilos with me. This is very few, when you take off for a whole year...
Also, now when I have only ten days left, I have to start to say goodbye to my related and my friends. Of course this is quite hard for me, although I know that I will come back next year. This week I throw my farewell party, because next week all my friends have school again.
I'm looking so much forward to meet my hostfamily and see the house and the region where I'll spend my exchange year. I'm sure, this is going to be very exciting!

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