
Freitag, 6. September 2013

more details and other cool things

Finally I found an evening where I don't have something going on. The days since the last post where super activity rich. But first I will tell you (as I promised, if you remember) more details about Gamla Stan with the AFSers and Skansen. Well, here we go:
Agustin, a friend from Argentina asked on facebook if the students around Stockholm want to meet each other in the town and spend a nice day toghether. We (Agustin, Boon, Emir, Valentina, Bérangère, Gianluca, a friend of Gianluca Kristýna, Öykü, Öykü, the hostsis of one of the Öyküs and I) wanted. We met at 11 o'clock at the trainstation but we had to wait one hour for the girl of Chile, because she was lost. After her arrive we searched a place where we could eat something and all sit toghether at one table. We ended up at BurgerKing (classic). After this very delicious and exquisit star chef menu, we checked out Gamla Stan with all the cute viking shops. I bought a birthday present for Noelle but psssst, don't tell her ;-). We didn't actually do that much, we were just walking around and going into different shops, but it was nice anyway.
The next day my host family and me went to Skansen, this openair museum I told shortly about in the last post. Karin won some free tickets in the food store, therfore foure of us had a free entry. The first thing Ylva, David and I did was testing the chairoplane. I really loved it when I was younger and I still do. There was wonderful weather the hole day so we spent a lot of time outside (okay, this was not because of the good weather. You can not really choose between being outside or not in a openair museum). In any case, I ate plenty of sugar on this day, so you see I'm on the best way to become a real AFS student ;-). (For those of you who don't understand this joke: Another Fat Student) 
Okay. This was the part of my post for which the "more details" in the title stands for. Now the "and other cool things" part:

Last Tuesday, the 2nd of September, Karins firm organised a fishing competition for the hole family. The goal was to fish as much fishes as possible and the person whos fishes weight the most, won. I catched 8 fishes and got the 7th place (First woman, yes!) in the competition. David got the 15th place. The fishes were thrown away after weighing. This competition was really fun, because we were just fishing for maybe one hour and therefore it was a little stressfull to take off the fish and take on a new worm. So it was not boring as it maybe sounds when I say "I was fishing". Another very cool thing I did this week was dancing. There is a big dance school in Sweden, called SCANDINAVIAN DANCEACADEMY which had open house the hole week. So I could test as many dancecourses as I wanted for free. And inspite I'm not a beginner at all (I used to dance in Switzerland since more than 9 years) I first thought, that I forgot how to dance. They are really really good. It will be a challenge for me to catch up with them but I am very pleased to accept this callenge. So... a long post. I hope you get not tired of reading. Tomorrow my hostfamily and me will go on a trip with the boat and on Sunday I'll have the first official AFS meeting after the arrival camp.

 Ready to fish
 Coooome fishies come come I won't do you anything rude
 This was the worst part of the competition. Putting worms on fishhooks is not my favorite activity
 Even if I don't look like on this picture, I had everything under controll ;-)
 Yeah! I have one!
tasty fishes in a very aesthetic plastic bag

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hoi, Dani.
    Ig freue mi dass dirs so guet geit. I ha gar nit gwüsst, dass du so guet chasch fische.
    Gruess, Papi
