
Mittwoch, 25. September 2013

Sweden is the country where...

... you write tests and make films about "living outdoors" in the sports lesson.
... you can get as much breakfast and lunch in school as you want - for free! (And if you're still hungry after your first plate, you can just fill it up again an other time)
... teachers and students go out of the classroom in the middle of a lesson because they get a private phonecall (okay, some of the teachers don't let you always come back in again when you're done...)
... you can't find a softdrinks automat in the school cafeteria - but 4 automats with different sorts of milk.
... you get leaned out an iPad from school and can play games on it the whole lesson without any teacher complaining about that.
... you bike on the sidewalk.
... the butter is salty because the bread contains no salt.
... you have to indicate your personal number (every Swede has a personal number bilt out of your date of birth and four individual numbers) for everything, even when you just want to lean out a DVD in the library.
... no one likes winter and snow.
... the people think it's quite warm when it's "just" -10°C in december.

... I'm so absolutely pleased to stay for the rest of my wonderful exchange year! I love to be here.

Here are some pictures of my school and friends:

Translating of the text on the picture (you can find it also here:
The Huddingegymnasium has a long tradition to accept exchange students from different countries all over the world. We had already students from Europe - f.ex. Germany and Italy - but also from other parts of the earth like f.ex. Costa Rica and Australia.
In this school year study three exchange students with us (same order like on the picture): Arika Kautsar from Indonesia, Danielle Andraschko from Switzerland and Lara John from Germany. Danielle and Lara go to NANATGM12 and Arika goes to SASAM12 [these are the names of our classes]. The girls are all paricularly interested in Sweden - Lara's grandparents have since earlier a little summerhouse on Orust [a Swedish isle], Arika likes Swedish popmusic and Swedish artists like f.ex. Icona Pop and Danielle studied Swedish at home in Switzerland [little note: I was in a Swedish course for beginners for 8 weeks.] in spring and speaks already Swedish.
We welcome the girls in HGY!
 Oh what a lovely picture of my hostbrother David and me (testing the new iPad)
 This was in the so-called mentors lesson, where we never do more like on this picture.
 yeah, fancy gang ^^

from left to right: Desirée, Lara (exchange student from Germany), Sarah, Danielle (Jag!), Segen, Iram, Sofia, Nazla and Gonca. :-D

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